Friday, September 30, 2005


I had just finished a date with a girl I've been seeing here and there when she had dropped me off at my barracks. It's still the awkward stage and the part where I should of leaned over for a kiss, but I couldn't. We had eaten at a bad pizza place where I developed a nasty case of the bubble guts. Where I should have kissed her, I instead said very hastily, "I'll give you a call and see you later. Be safe. Bye." Then I walked hurridly to the restroom where I began to have what only can be described as a scene from Dumb and Dumber or American Pie. There was giggles. There was a huge Whew! And then more giggles.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kemo'o's and Vonnegut

Kemo'o's is a bar across the street from the base I'm stationed at in Hawai'i. By the way, I'm a medic in the Army. We're caught up a little bit now.

I go to the bar tonight, take my seat and order a water from the bartender. She smiles and says, "On its way." She pours the drink and brings me a Bud Light in a pint glass. It's our little joke, which I don't mind at all. She denounces my drink of choice as canoe beer and I smile and drink. The bartenders at Kemo'o's are all women and all pretty damn attractive. They're usually scantily dressed which I don't mind at all. I wish they were naked but apparently I'm a bit lazy with my imagination. You'll have that.

Kemo, in Arabic, means bike. I'm not sure the spelling is the same but they sound the same to me. Of course, spelling is a bit of a chore for me; which is why there's always a dictionary beside my computer. There's no silent numbers in math, why in spelling? 896 is 896, not 96 with a silent 8. Yes I'm lazy and from a spell check generation. Again... you'll have that. And so on.

And so on. If you're a Kurt Vonnegut fan, as I am, you'll find that phrase familiar. One of my dogtags, as religious preferance, says Bokononist. The other one says Jedi Knight. Yes, you can construe from the last two sentences that I'm indeed not religious, specifically of the big three. Busy, busy busy.

As you can probably tell from this rambling diatribe that it fits perfectly with the name of my blog.

I'm not part of the coalition by any means, but I'm a big fan of rainbows. If you don't see a rainbow in Hawai'i, then you're really not looking for one. They're everywhere and just, to me at least, magical. No charms though... nor delicious. Though I've never tasted one and we're just getting on the ridiculous track here. Which leads me to a rhetorical question... unless you know the answer: What is at the end of a Hawai'ian rainbow?

I think I've filled my babble quotient for this evening and will take my drunk ass to bed. There's early to get up to and golf to be played... probably clubs to be thrown... and maybe a beach to rest. I'll let you know... whoever you are. Writing this blog is a lot like talking to myself but without all the annoying questions.

End comments.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Nietzsche and Other Quotes

What makes heroic? To confont simultaneously one's greatest sorrow and one's greatest hope.
What do you believe in? I believe that the weight of all things must be determined anew.
What does your conscience tell you? You must become who you are.
What is your greatest danger? In pity.
What do you love in others? My hopes.
Whom do you call bad? He who always desires to make one ashamed.
What is for you the most humane thing? To spare someone shame.
What is the seal of freedom attained? No longer to be ashamed of oneself.

God is dead.

Live dangerously.

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary. Courageous, unperturbed, mocking, violent- this is what wisdom wants to be: wisdom is a woman and loves only a warrior.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
- Albert Einstein

I was born modest. Not all over, but in spots. -Mark Twain

I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. -Kurt Vonnegut

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

Saturday, September 17, 2005

More Flying Research

I went to the beach today to do more research on my, at this time futile, attempts of learning to fly and more importantly denounce the Law of Gravity. Anyhoo, I went cliff diving where I learned, quickly, that there is still mountains of information I have to deciminate before actually flying by myself... but, I'm really good at falling right now. In my favor though, there was a pretty big ocean to break my fall and shove massive amounts of sea water into my nose where it decided to find a home in my nasal cavity.

The big freakin' rock I jumped off of was a lot smaller than I thought and transversly a lot farther down while I looked over the edge. It was about thirty feet or so and jumping into about 10-12 feet of water depending on the tide. My first jump was all about falling and splashing into the water, whereas my second jump was strickly for testing purposes. I have found in my research, though I concentrated heavily on flying on that second jump, I fell just as fast each time.

I will not, dear reader, let this obstacle stand in my way by any means! I know this research won't be easy nor will I ever find a way to side-step the very laws that Newton laid down. Fuck him and his apple.

Which leads me to an observation: If Newton lived in Hawai'i when he discovered his little idea of gravity and all it's stupid laws, he would of been under a cocconut tree and not one containing apples. So, instead of getting hit in the head with an apple and discovering the laws of gravity... he would of just been knocked the fuck out.